Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fantasia in D Minor - CPE Bach

I really like C.P.E. Bach. He's a cool composer. His dad, J. S., is one of the most well-known keyboard composers out there, and some of his brothers were famous too, but there's something really nice about the flow of Carl Phillip Emanuel's work. He was a big influence on the next generation of composers for piano, like Haydn and Mozart.

Here's a short tune you can learn, which is great for working on stamina when playing fast. It's pretty intense-sounding, like a swirl of serious notes. It's a fun challenge for anyone Grade 4 and up to have a go at, and a good precursor to learning Solfeggietto, one of his most well-known keyboard pieces.

Fantasia in D Minor - CPE Bach

Here's a link to a harpsichord version:

Fantasia in D Minor - CPE Bach on harpsichord

1 comment:

  1. I think CPE Bach is exciting in a really cool way that few other composers come close to. Later on, I think Classical composers got more constrained and concerned with balance and restraint, and you can't really have that and the exhilarating flow of CPE Bach at the same time.
